5 Reasons Why It’s More Important Now Than Ever to Ask Yourself, “Who Am I?”
With all that is going on in our world today, life in the time of Corona, our health and safety are on the line. This is a critical time to be keenly aware of our physical, mental and spiritual wellness. In many ways, the Covid-19 pandemic is showing us who we are and shaping us into a new version of ourselves. It’s almost as though the pandemic is asking all of us “How do you respond? How are you choosing to respond? What role are you playing? What role are you being asked to fill?â€
I’d been planning to write this post before the chaos of Corona hit. Then I wondered if I should cast it aside for another time and write on a more fitting topic. I thought about it some more and came to the conclusion that right now the question of ‘who am i’ is not only fitting but also supports the spiritual wellness we all need so much right now.
This virus pandemic is causing many of us to open our eyes. To awaken. For some of us our eyes are now really wide open. Exhibit A … the toilet paper hoarding 🤪
But seriously, what have you awakened to? What have you noticed about your own response to the pandemic? What about the response of those around you? Who are you in the chaos?
Below follows a list of 5 reasons why asking who am I? is important to your spiritual wellness, now more than ever.
1. Because Life Is To Learn.
Life is to learn and it’s particularly aligned so that you can learn about yourself. The experiences that we undergo mold us and mirror back to us. We start off as clay then the passages we go through shape us. We start off with blank slates then those critical moments that rise and fall in the blink of an eye show us just who we are.
It’s what you learn in life and how you learn it that leads to the answer of ‘who am I?’ It’s also the case that what and how you learn shifts throughout your life. Therefore, it’s natural that the answer to ‘who am I?’ would change given the season of life you’re in.
If your life learning hasn’t caused you to periodically take stock of who you are then you might not be making the most of your precious lifetime. Learning about ourselves and coming to know who we are, asking ourselves, ‘who am I?’ is a question of spiritual wellness. Because as Teilhard de Chardin believed, “we are not humans having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.â€
2. Because Change is The Only Constant In Life.
Thanks Heraclitus, I’ll take it from here! 👍 Change is the only constant in life and yet they say we’re true creatures of habit. You know as well as I do that it’s more common to resist change than to welcome it. Are you avoiding life’s revolutions or are you transitioning with them? Either way, the force of change is unstoppable. Whether we’re good with it or not, change is going to happen to us.
The cycles of change are especially formulated times for us to confront how we define ourselves and who we think we are. It’s so important to our spiritual wellness to ask ourselves in times of transition, who am i? and also who have I been? Who do I want to be? This question becomes crucial in winds of change because it’s the perfect time to evaluate whether you want to continue being the you that you know or if it’s time to reinvent yourself.
The answer becomes a significant contributor to your spiritual wellness.
3. Because S**t Just Hit The Fan.
When s**t is about to hit the fan and you know it or when the s**t just hit, there’s no doubt it just got real challenging for you. Difficult circumstances arise, some very new, like stuff we’ve never gone through before. How do we know what to do? How do we know how to be?
Difficult circumstances and challenging times confront the core of who we are.
It’s understandable if you find yourself scrambling. You might be trying to figure things out quickly and on the spot. You’ve never had to deal with anything this sh***y before. Who you were busy being yesterday and who you need to be today, right now may be pretty different.
Under the circumstances, it’s one of the best times to ask yourself, ‘who am I ?’. Depending on how you answer, you may find that you have to fill in the blanks. You may find that you need to be someone you’ve never known you could be or maybe you realize that who you are is exactly what’s called for. Either way, this is all for your spiritual well-being!
4. Because Know Thyself!
Getting to know yourself is all about asking yourself ‘who am I?’ When you get to a point where you really know yourself, you may feel liberated and comfortable in your own skin. That’s awesome! But then, as mentioned above, change is the only constant in life. So getting to know yourself is a constant thing, really.
Asking ourselves on an ongoing regular basis what we value most in our lives, what we enjoy, what brings us fulfillment and so on is so important because there’s a connection in doing that and in our spiritual wellness, a sense of wholeness in our life. Asking the greater question of ‘who am I?’ can be simplified in our everyday moments when we take pause and ask things like, “Wait, do I even like this anymore?â€
As we get to know ourselves better, accepting and realizing that it’s as ongoing as change is, we feel more positive about our lives, experiencing greater spiritual well-being.
And lastly …
5. Because There’s More To Life, So Dive Deeper.
‘Who Am I?‘ is one of life’s deep questions. When you take the time to contemplate this question in your life the answer will take you beyond the surface.
Asking ‘who am i?’ leads one to examine their existence and why they’re here. The question of purpose comes to the forefront.
Who am I and what am I doing here? How can who I am help me to be doing what I’m here to do? Exploring this question can bring clarity and direction to your life. It can launch you on the path to your purpose.
What greater sense of spiritual wellness is there than to know what your purpose is and to be on the right path in life?
Until next time … 🌈💜⚡
Be you & Be true, Courageous Ones!