5 Ways Reiki Helped Me Improve My Life
1. Reiki gave me clarity about the direction of my path.
When I first started out my path in the healing arts, it was in Massage Therapy & Health Education. It was one of the most exciting times of my life. I was like the Fool tarot card leaping forward on a whole new journey, blindly and joyfully. I enjoyed nearly every moment of my new education, learning about the origins of healing and healing touch, diving into both Western and Eastern approaches. Several times per week, my classmates and I would exchange massages as part of the curriculum. That means I received free massages every week!
Yes. It was as amazing as it sounds. 😊
When the time came to take our fresh skills to Clinic and to the outside world, I started to observe that my massage technique was more of a light touch rather than a deep tissue and I gravitated toward Eastern healing traditions, like the Traditional Chinese Medicine model.
Repeatedly, I would receive feedback thanking me for “great energy work†or “great energy massageâ€. I remember thinking, “Huh? Energy work? What are they talking about?†Back then, that didn’t sit with me too well.
See, deep tissue massages were very popular and in high demand (and still are). If you could get your deep tissue massage techniques down, then you could do very well professionally. But me? I never felt like I was a deep tissue massage therapist. Yes, I did learn the deep tissue techniques but for me the massage therapy session was completely different than the massage therapy I wanted to provide, which intuitively I felt had the potential to restore clients on a deeper level. I recall feeling like, “Great, now where do I go from here? I don’t actually care much for deep tissue massagesâ€.
Shortly after I graduated from massage therapy I received Reiki I & Reiki II energy healing training. I thought I was in love with massage therapy but then there was Reiki …ahhlaas! 🌟 Reiki found me.
My path became very clear. I was an energy healer. I am still an energy healer. 😇.
I attribute Reiki with providing me the vehicle to express that healing energy. Massage Therapy & Health Education would become my foundation. My unique or signature expression of the healing art was energy touch.
So, reiki was a very important piece of my “purpose puzzleâ€. If you’ve been working on discovering your life purpose, then you know how it can be like working on a large 30,000 piece puzzle!
2. Reiki gave me a tool with which I could heal others as well as my own Mother.
So like I was saying, reiki was the vehicle of expression I used to share the healing energy I always felt I had. Now that I was able to add reiki to the tools I wielded to heal, my tool box was growing! Whenever I would give a reiki healing session, I felt like I was floating. I remember being in wonder at how the Reiki felt like it was cocooning the recipient and me, the practitioner, at the same time. An amazing feeling!
As the healing practitioner, you are the channel, laying the energy on through the hands. One of the best things in doing that is receiving the Reiki energy yourself, while you’re giving it to another. Bliss! 🤸♀️ That blissful state is the cue Reiki is working.
I found that there are some people who are more perceptive and receptive to reiki healing energy than other people. Also, it’s not necessarily the case that all reiki healing sessions feel the same. Luckily, it turned out that my disabled mother was very receptive to reiki. It helped her to heal just as much as the massage therapy, if not more. What I mean is reiki was also healing her emotions, not just her physical ailments. Needless to say, I felt thrilled that I could help to heal my own mother in this way. It was a very fulfilling time for the both of us.
3. Reiki consistently pointed me to my True North 🌟
When I first received my Reiki attunements I experienced it as a spiritual pact being made with the universal life force, the animator of all things, the creative healing force of the universe. I guess I can describe the experience as being in some ways similar to when I made my Holy Communion except now I was an adult and I made the decision for this unity myself.
The reiki attunements spiritually aligned me with its powerful creative healing force of a universal nature. Not only did I receive the healing and balancing benefits of the attunements, but the process was also an initiation. A spiritual initiation that would slowly open my heart to channel the healing universal life force over the course of my life.
Inasmuch as that, reiki has been like a guardian spirit, walking alongside of me on my path, always with me. I guess it’s kind of like what Jesus would do. The reiki energy guides my life path, helps me to stay on course no matter how many diversions, pointing me to find my true north. This is similar to what Archangel Gabriel would do.
From this perspective, channeling reiki is like requesting help from a mentor. When I’ve needed help or when I needed answers, reiki has been a guardian mentor, mentoring me into the experience of deeper awareness of my personal truth, my true north. Especially when the way is dark.
4. Reiki has helped me be a better person.
Reiki has helped me to be a better me. When I think back on it, it’s when I began to study Reiki my heart chakra began to open and heal. I can’t say that it opened my heart quickly or that I healed it right away, but I noticed that over time and with all the necessary experiences — the good and bad — my heart could heal and continue to open. 🌼💜
Before Reiki, I had received healing through traditional mental health therapy. That definitely helped me to change my life for the better, but it didn’t necessarily open my heart. Before Reiki, I wasn’t connected with my heart space. My heart chakra was out of balance. I didn’t understand its significance to my wellbeing.
My experience with massage therapy but especially with reiki, helped me to open my heart so that I could begin to heal more profoundly. When the heart opens, love can come through. When love abides in the heart and you can *actually* access it, anything you need is possible. I didn’t know that to be true before life without reiki.
Feeling love, having an open heart allowed me to see life from a very different point of view than before. I started to see how everything in life happens for reasons that we may not know of at the time. I started to understand that the things that happen in life are meant to help us unfold our unique life journey, expand our consciousness and raise our awareness of who we really are. Taking on a different point of view from a place of love and an open heart made me a better person, for sure.
Healing, opening the heart chakra and love have been big parts of my Reiki experience. The beautiful part of it all is that once you receive reiki attunements the universal life energy never goes away. Sure, you might experience it at different intensity levels from time to time, but it doesn’t go away from you …♾️
Time after time, It’s never gone away from me. Reiki has been an important part of why I’m a lifelong learner, intentionally positive and why growth is one of my life values. You can trust when I say this makes me a better version of myself. Because “Old Me” was waiting around for a knight and shining armor, for a teacher to show up and show me the way or for someone /anyone to come rescue me from myself. Having and receiving reiki in my life helped me to move away from that stuff that was keeping from growing.
5. Reiki has helped me to heal my heart, body, mind and spirit. ❤️🩹
When I first started studying Reiki, I learned to do reiki on myself first. The first reiki attunements you receive are for you to be able to perform it on yourself only. This period gave me time to learn how the reiki energy worked 💭 and to find out how receptive I was to it. Being attuned to reiki helped me to develop a self-healing routine. Through practicing routine self- healing reiki sessions on myself plus using reiki whenever and wherever I felt called to it, I experienced renewal and healing. Still do!
When I began to provide Reiki to others besides myself, I felt a deep sense of fulfillment that I’d never felt before. It felt empowering to be able to facilitate someone else’s healing knowing how helpful reiki could be, however subtle and gentle the energy is.
When I reflect on how reiki helped me to wholeness or wellness, one thing that stands out for me is its role in healing past traumas, lifting up my self-worth, developing my self-esteem, building my confidence and raising my belief in myself.
One of the beauties of being attuned to Reiki is that it grows you and grows with you.
So listen, whoomp! there it is — 5 ways reiki has helped me improve my life. What about you? How has reiki changed your life? 🖐️ Let me know in the comments below!
Until next time …
Be you & Be true, Courageous One.

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