Why use oracle cards?
Hey Courageous Ones! Curious about oracle cards? Are you thinking of buying a card deck or getting a reading? A good place to start is right here. 👇
If you’re wondering how you can benefit from using oracle cards, check out this list of 10 reasons why you’d use oracle cards — besides fortune-telling fun 😛.
1. One main reason to use oracle cards is to help develop your intuition.
Your intuition includes your gut feelings and those hits of inner knowing you get but can’t necessarily describe. You may struggle to find the right words to describe this sensation, but you just have a knowing feeling.
Oracle cards help you to exercise this intuitive muscle because they speak to your subconscious mind. From the imagery, to the author’s messages and meanings, to the act of creating sacred space, to handling them in your hands oracle cards create a powerful container for you to work with your subconscious.
With them, you can explore what’s below the surface of everyday thought, take the time to reflect on the cards that you pick and allow for the message of your higher self to emerge. You start to learn how to discern between your egoic thinking and the sacred ideas that come from your wise self.
The oracle cards are a spiritual tool to help you get in touch with your inner world and to get to know yourself beyond everyday thinking, attachments, rituals and routines. Oracle cards are like guides that help you to explore your true nature.
2. Oracle cards help you have a broader perspective, especially when you need it!
Truth is, we can fall into narrow mindedness, unintentionally. Without even realizing it we get to this place of comfort and want to stay there. But here’s the thing, that comfortable place is also a place where we can get into “automatic-mode”. In that mode, we’re not curious enough. Instead we’re trying to stay under the radar, not stick out and not rock the boat.
In this mode, we’re not really inhabiting our present moments. In the “automatic-mode” we’re just going and more than likely we’ve got lots of useless chatter in our minds. In this mode, we’re not being aware of what we’re thinking or how we’re thinking. It then gets pretty easy to end up thinking in a box. And “box thinking” ripens the narrow mind. How can truly new ideas come from inside 4 lines of a square?
Here’s where oracle cards can help. They help us to go beyond our “automatic-mode” mindset. They can help to awaken us, pushing our minds outward, expanding our thought process, getting us to think beyond four square lines.
Oracle cards broaden our perspective, assisting us to gain deeper intuitive insight. They can lead us to different ways of perceiving a situation. They validate new perspectives, encouraging us to actually consider what normally would be “too far out” for us.
3. Oracle cards help you learn about the energy that surrounds a situation.
By assisting you to gain deeper intuitive insight instead of only seeing a situation from an analytical and one dimensional mind, oracle cards help us to tap into the flow or energy of a situation.
With oracle cards, you’ll eventually be able to sense the timing of a particular matter. You’ll be able to know if the situation is the right move at the right time or if the timing is delayed or even if the option is not suitable for you. Depending on the oracle card message and meaning combined with what your subconscious wants you to know, you’ll know the overall energy of the situation. This can be really important when it comes to considering all the options available to you and then making decisions.
4. Oracle cards can help you sort out your thoughts and feelings on a given matter.
Sorting out your thoughts and feelings on a given matter is similar to # 3 above, learning about the energy of a situation. As you begin to gain insight on the type and quality of energy that surrounds a particular situation, you also start figuring out how you feel and think about something.
It’s pretty typical that when we consult the cards it’s done because we’re not sure about something. We’re not sure if now is the right time to start that project. We’re not sure if he or she is the right one for us. We’re not sure if we’re looking at things the way we should be. We’re not sure.
Tapping into universal life force energy for support through oracle cards can be so helpful! Many times we’re seeking clarity when we use oracle cards. We’re needing to clear up muddy water (emotions) and clear the fog (mindset). The oracle cards can help to clear up the view, sort out our thoughts and feelings to a point that we can see what we’re looking at or what needs our attention. From there we have a better idea of how to proceed given the intuitive insight we receive.
5. Oracle cards can inspire ideas on and about your situation.
Part of having more clarity means we’re more open to inspiration. Oracle cards can inspire ideas! When we reflect on the cards and their meanings as well as on how we feel and think about all that, we open ourselves up. When we’re open, we are receptive. To be receptive means we’re willing and able to receive, take in stuff.
Stuff like … hmmm … well, like ideas! 🙂 Ideas are like gold. When you have a lot of them you’re truly abundant because whatever “sitch” you find yourself in, you’ll be able to navigate it. When you approach oracle cards as a helpful spiritual tool, they inspire your innate creativity and God-given imagination. You will not have a loss of ideas! Inspired ideas teach you how to fish for life. Oracle cards can give rise to what may be dormant in you, but in the end it’s always within you. In using oracle cards as a spiritual tool, there’s an opportunity to nurture the natural qualities you have.

6. Oracle cards are empowering. They can provide nurturing and caring warnings when they are reversed (upside down).
Oracle cards are empowering. If they’re not, you might be overusing them. How can they be empowering you might wonder. Well, for one, oracle cards can help you feel like YES YOU CAN. They encourage you to believe in possibility! An abundant universe with abundant possibility. They can help you stay hopeful in what may seem like hopeless situations. This is why it’s important that you own a set of oracle cards that speaks to your heart and mind. Just like a good friend, they will be there for you, lovingly (or sometimes adamantly) reminding you of your greatness, your gifts, your power and purpose.
At the same time, oracle cards can also provide you with caring warnings on the track you’re on. Depending on the oracle cards you have they can include reversed meanings. These are often best received as safety signs like the ones we see when we’re driving along a roadway.
The information provided is there to empower you … what information is there for you? How can you proceed or what next step can you take now that you have this information? This is up to you. The universal life force provides signals and signs that are always available to us. The force is all around us and also works through oracle cards to wake up your intuition and encourages you to exercise personal power in your life.
Oracle cards are a helpful spiritual tool that you can use to tap into self empowerment.
7. Oracle cards offer you a fun self care practice.
When you play with, learn on and do readings with oracle cards you are creating sacred self care time to be with your inner self, your soul self! If you don’t know about your soul self, oracle cards are a great tool to get to know your interior self. It’s not just about the outside of you, but also about the inside 🙂 Your outward personality is just one aspect of who you are. With oracle cards there’s an opportunity to get to know the deeper you, opening and creating a bridge between heart and mind.
8. Like an affirmation or a mantra, oracle cards help you know what the most beneficial energy is and what energy quality is best for you.
In doing this, oracle cards can effectively help you stay connected to your higher self, universal life force energy and spirit. It’s easy to get bogged down in the density of the daily grind. Your aura can lose some of its sparkle! This is especially true if you’re a sensitive person. Where oracle cards come in is that they can help you to be aware of your personal energy. This way you’ll know what you need. You’ll know how you should focus your energy. Step back or forge ahead? You’ll know what type of energy you should uphold. Stay positive and loving or let go of a limiting belief?
Depending on what you need, you’ll be encouraged to keep going in the direction of your purpose and highest good. Especially on some of them days, it’ll feel like such a relief to have this handy spiritual tool close by!
9. Like Reiki, oracle cards can help you stay on your life’s path, the direction of your purpose.
Similar to receiving attunements and healing sessions, pulling cards and doing readings can also function like mini attunements and healing sessions. It’s not the same exact thing, but much of the similarity lies in how they tap into universal life force energy, they’re active practices, and they help direct your personal energy towards your life’s purpose no matter at what point you’re on your journey. Oracle cards can be a great tool to use when you sense it’s time to check in with yourself, just as you might know it’s time to schedule a reiki session for yourself.
10. Oracle cards let you know when it’s the right time for you to know what you should know! 😂
You might find yourself thinking a lot about such and such. You might be wondering and/or worrying a lot about it or maybe just really curious. So, of course, it’s really natural that you want to know more! Like I said before, oracle cards are a great spiritual tool to gain intuitive insight, but they’re also a great in letting you know when you’re asking too many questions! Too many questions, too many times!
It could mean that the questions you’re asking are not the “right†questions, as in the questions are not helpful to you. The way you’re asking the question is not empowering. It could also mean you’re too preoccupied with knowing, therefore no information comes through. It’s just not the right time to know, not the right question to ask, the question is not helpful to ask at this time, move onto to something else, you’re not paying attention to what info is trying to get through (which could be totally different than the one-track you’re on 🙃).
The point is this: don’t overuse your oracle cards to the point of obsessing, asking the same questions over and over, like every hour, every day. Don’t be a badger. 🦡 Choose to trust the universe in its timing and highest good for you instead. Trust in yourself that whatever happens you’re alright and have everything you need to make it so.
In conclusion, I’d say that oracle cards have been a useful, very helpful, wonderful tool to have in my own spiritual healing tool box. I’ve learned so much about my life’s journey and soul purpose through using them. They’ve been like my trusty friends on the journey. I can truthfully say they really help to open your heart and mind to a higher path and purpose. As with all spiritual tools, they are to be used respectfully. So for sure, while they’re fun to use, they should also be considered a serious self development ally.
So tell me. What sparks your interest about oracle cards? What oracle cards do you love? How have they been beneficial to you? Comment below!
Be You & Be True, Courageous Ones! 🌈⚡💜